Rotary Club of Alton-Godfrey Photo Gallery

Bucket Brigade 2018
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On Saturday, May 12, 2018, 20 members of the Rotary Club of Alton-Godfrey gathered at 3117 Ray Street in Alton to paint the house as part of this year's Bucket Brigade.

Literacy Project 2017-18
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Our club received a grant from the District to help fund the purchase of books for students in the Alton Unit School District #11

Alton-Godfrey Community Christmas Tree 2017
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The Alton-Godfrey Rotary Club annually constructs the Community Christmas Tree at Lincoln Douglas Square in Alton, IL. The tree lighting ceremony will be held on Friday at 6:00 to begin the Christmas season in the Riverbend area.

Golf 2022
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Alton-Godfrey Golf Scramble, October 2, 2022

Salvation Army Bell Ringing 2018
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The Alton Godfrey Rotary Club annually turns out to ring bells the Saturday before Christmas. Club members ring bells at three locations in the community and traditionally the club brings in the largest daily donation for the Salvation Army Tree of Lights campaign.

Pocket Park at 3rd and Market
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In 1966 the Rotary Club of Alton created a small park in the area of 3rd & Market to enhance the appearance of Alton. A plaque was placed to read:
Rotary Seal

All God's Children Need Shoes
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On December 5, several Rotarians and friends assisted school children from the Alton School District and the Southwestern School District in getting new shoes.

Simpson Tennis Pavilion
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This project was conducted May 2024 to renovate tennis pavilion #3 at the Simpson Tennis Complex at Gordon Moore Park in Alton.

Centennial Park
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In November 2021, the Alton Godfrey Rotary Club in cooperation with the city of Alton, began the planning and construction of park overlooking the Clark Bridge and the Mississippi River. The park is located on 3rd street opposite city hall.

Christmas Tree 2022
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The Rotary Club purchased a new Community Christmas Tree in the spring of 2022 and constructed the tree at Lincoln-Douglas Square for the Christmas Season. The club and community is thankful to Alton Township for help in funding the Community Christmas Tree.

Bicycle Trail
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These photos show progress on the construction of the missing part of the connector bike trail through Riverfront Park in Alton, IL.

Lincoln-Douglas Square Construction
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At the site of the Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debate held on the steps of the Alton City Hall October 15, 1858, the Rotary Club of Alton-Godfrey proposed a project, raised funding, and supervised the construction of the present Lincoln Douglas Square. This photo essay describes the construction.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing
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December 23, 2017

Chili Chowdown 2018
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The Rotary Club of Alton Godfrey conducts this fund raiser each year to provide scholarships for our annual student of the year program. Each year the board of directors may choose special projects and use income from all of the club fund raisers to pay project expenses.