The Rotary Club of Alton and Godfrey provided $17,000 and club members built this Winter Camping Lodge at Camp Warren Levis in 1987. The roof needed to replaced. Roofing was donated GAF Corporation through ABC Supply Co. Don and Ben Moyer along with Scott Goforth and his assistant applied the new roof starting at 6 am and finishing June 21, 2014.



1966-1979       Market & Third Street Pocket Park

                        Belle Street fountain

                        Williams & State Street fountain

                        North Alton fountain

1979                Upper Alton fountain

1980                Gordon Moore Park fountain

                        Gordon Moore Park playground, Partnered with Kiwanis

1980-1985      Kabob booth at Expo

1984-1986      Mud Volleyball team at Expo

1983                Piasa Bird at Norman's Landing

1985                Robert Wadlow Statue with other organizations


1987                Boy Scouts of America, Camp Warren Levis Winter Camping Lodge

1989                DARE Program van for Alton PD

                        YWCA Capital fund drive

1992                Alton Police Vest Program

1992-1994      Bass Tournament on the Mississippi River fundraiser

1994-1995      Lincoln Douglas Square engraved bricks and blocks fundraiser raiser $252,000

1995                Lincoln and Douglas sculptures placed

                         Boys & Girls Club basketball court and baseball diamond fence

                        Gordon Moore Park Carillon funding

1996                Alton Cemetery, repair and painting of fence

                         Lighting of wall and Christmas tree at Lincoln Douglas Square

1997                Gordon Moore Park Hosta Garden in memory of George Spence

1998                Removal of Piasa Bird after 16 years; gifted to Southwestern High


1999                Civil War Prison Information Kiosk

                        Boys & Girls Club, new roof on club house

                        "Welcome to Alton" sign on River Road

                        YWCA playground

2000                Habitat House, partial funding and construction

2001                "Welcome to Alton" at Landmarks & Ridge

                        Lucy Haskell Playhouse, support for children's events

2002                Oblate Fathers Community Garden Greenhouse

                        Robert Wadlow Chair

2004                Lincoln Douglas hanging flower baskets

2005                Jacoby Arts Center, participated refinishing the showroom floor,

                        restroom renovation, and installed office windows

2007                Lars Hoffman Park

2008                State House Square fountain

                        St. Baldrick's fundraiser 

2009                Oblate Fathers Community Garden Greenhouse water line

                        Lincoln Douglas Information Kiosk

2010                Riverboat Mural at Henry and Broadway

                        Camp Warren Levis boat docks, labor to build

2012                "Welcome to Alton" sign on River Road cleanup

2014                Boy Scout Winter Lodge, new roof and

                        Repainting of exterior and interior as memorial to Rotarian Ray


                        VFW Honor Guard, new Army uniforms

2015                Haskell Park Pavilion

                        Alton Little Theater, support activities

2016                Salvation Army Booth House, window replacement and storm-water

                         drainage system

On-going projects:

            Student of the Month recognition

            Student of the Year Scholarship

            Christmas Tree at Lincoln Douglas Square

            Interact Club at Alton High started in 2006

            Salvation Army bell ringing

            Bucket Brigade

            Christmas Wonderland

            Wreaths Across America

            Coats for Kids

            Dictionaries for 3rd Grade students (until 2014)

            Vocational Arts and Science Scholarship at LCCC (2015)

Funding for Rotary International Projects:

            2000     Medical equipment to Brazil

            2001     100 Computers to Chile

            2003    Drinking water wells in Malawi

                        Heifer International Project

            2006    Cataract surgery for 106 people in small town in Argentina

From 1973 - 2017, the Rotary Club of Alton Godfrey has donated $94,000 to Rotary International Foundation, naming 95individuals as Paul Harris Fellows.  Of that amount, $71,000 went to the Polio Plus Campaign (eradication of polio).

The club has provided funding for International Exchange Students and members have hosted several students.  The club also hosted a Group Study Exchange team from South Africa in 1988 and Nigeria in 2009.

Information compiled by Bill Moyer-June 2017


Summary of Club Activities 2010-2011

Projected Alton-Godfrey Rotary Club Activities 2010-2011

by Roland Hansen

Club Meetings on Mondays at 6:00 pm

Board Meetings(5:00pm) and Student of the Month Awards(Sept - June, 6:00pm) on Second Monday of the Month

Steak Frys on Third Monday of the Month at Rolling Hills, plus Golf Outings April thru October

Club Assemblies Quarterly at Club Meetings


Annual Meeting- Installation of Officers and Paul Harris Awards


Big Gig- music on the Riverfront,   Manning Concession Stands


District Conference in Springfield


Pecan Distribution and Sales


Christmas Tree Raising at Lincoln Douglas Square


Annual Meeting for Election of Officers & Board Members


St. Anthony's hosts Rotary Christmas Dinner and provides program


Dictionaries for 4th Graders (or other Literacy Project)


Winter Wonderland at Rock Springs Park


Wreaths Across America


Salvation Army Bell Ringing


Rotary Annual Family Christmas Party at Rolling Hills


Take Down Christmas Tree at Lincoln Douglas Square


Presidents Summit/Pre-PETS, District Meetings


Chili Chowdown


90th Anniversary Celebration of Alton-Godfrey Rotary Club


PETS (President Elect Training Seminar)


District Assembly (Training)


Rotary Golf Challenge (Scramble)


Bucket Brigade


Cardinals vs Cubs Baseball Game in St. Louis, District Fundraiser


Work at Lincoln Douglas Square, flowers/decorations/brickwork/kiosk


Youth Exchange Student, Incoming


Youth Exchange Student, Outgoing(being considered)


Student of the Month/Year, Recognition/Scholarship


Mentoring Program

Shelter Box Program


Mural Project


RYLA, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards(being considered)


Rock Springs Park Tennis Courts Improvements


State House Circle Fountain Recognition Plaque, or equivalent


GSE, Group Study Exchange(being considered)


Refurbishment of previous park and fountain project(being investigated)

Alton-Godfrey Rotary Service Projects

July 2007 - June 2008

President Josh Farley

Service Project Chairman, Mike Osborne

Rotary Literacy Project, Tom Turpin, Chairman

September - 2007

Rotary purchased and distributed dictionaries to public and private fourth grade classes in the Alton-Godfrey area. A total of 44 members (Including Interact) gave their time to this project.

Pecan Sale, Dr. Marty Carrow, Chairman

November - 2007

Marty, with the help of nine (9) other Rotary members were able to co-ordinate the entire pecan program. At the end of the day Alton-Godfrey realized a $4,688.50 profit from this fund raising event.

Lincoln-Douglas Christmas Tree, Bill Moyer, Chairman

November - 2007

With the help of Dennis Wilson and Don Moyer, Bill Moyer oversaw the putting up and taking down of the Christmas tree in downtown Alton. A good turn out of Rotary Club members insured the tree with up and taken down in a safe and timely manner.

Christmas Wonderland, Butch Chapel, Chairman

December - 2007

On a cold December night with ice and snow coming down, 33 Rotary members braved the elements to work the Christmas Wonderland Light Display at Rock Springs Park. The member's efforts were rewarded by taking in approximately $1,600.00 for charity.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Ed Morrissey, Jr., Chairman

December - 2007

A total of $3,967.87 was raised for the Salvation Army Tree of Lights. A total of 56 Rotary members rang bells at various locations in the Alton and Godfrey area.

Chili Chowdown, Mike Seymour, Chairman, Sam Stemm - Tickets

March - 2008

Rotary members were out in full force and they dished out 774 chili lunch and/or dinners. For their efforts the Alton-Godfrey Club raised approx. $5,700.00 net.

Alton Beautification

March - 2008

Several members of the Rotary volunteered to participate in the annual Litter Pickup held on March 29, 2008.

Bucket Brigade, Dennis Wilson, Chairman

May - 2008

The annual Bucket Brigade was held on May 17, 2008.

Golf Classic and Auction, Mike McCormick, Golf Chairman, Scott Neudecker, Auction Chairman

Rolling Hills Golf Course was the site for the Rotary Golf Outing and Auction. With the efforts of the entire club we were able to raise $8,968.29 for the Student of Month Program.


Alton-Godfrey Rotary Service Projects

July 2008 to June 2009

President, Scott Neudecker

Service Project Chairman, Mike Osborne

Completed Projects

Rotary Literacy Project, Tom Turpin, Chairman

September 2008

St. Baldrick, Ed Morrissey, Jr. Chairman

September 2008

Lincoln-Douglas Square Repairs, Bill Moyer, Chairman

October 2008

Lincoln-Douglas Christmas Tree, Bill Moyer, Chairman

November 2008

Pecan Sale-Brock Hendricks, Chairman


Christmas Wonderland-Butch Chapel, Chairman


Salvation Army Bell Ringing-Ed Morrissey, JR., Chairman


Upcoming Projects

Chili Chowdown- Mike Seymour, Chairman

Sam Stemm, Ticket Sales


Bucket Brigade-Dennis Wilson, Chairman

May- 2009

Golf and Auction-Mike McCormick, Golf Chairman

Scott Neudecker-Auction Chairman

Chris Fox-Hole Sponsorship


Ongoing Projects

Downtown Alton Mural Project

Student of the Month










Related Videos




Previous Service Projects

(See Club History for a more complete list)

Bucket Brigade Photos

Bucket Brigade Results 2003

We gathered at 3329 Edsall Saturday morning with rain on the way hoping we could finish the house before the rain forced us to quit. Tom Wyatt, Ed and Larry moved the plants off the front porch. Ed cleaned out the front gutter with a blower and cleaned off the front porch and ramp. Josh and Tom then started painting the garage. Larry Thompson removed the lower back storm door to take it to Lyon's glass for repair and started painting the foundation on the right side. Larry Powers and Sharon Johnson started painting the trim on the back porch. Dan Saeger painted the trim around the dormer windows in the front. Mike Fitzgerald helped Larry paint the right side foundation then moved to paint the block foundation in the back. Several of us converged on the foundation on the left side when the rain started to get serious. We thought we could paint the porch floors during the rain but it rained hard enough to get the front and back porch floors wet. We finally quit around 10:30 in the rain leaving the left side foundation to finish. We still need to paint the awnings, upper window trim (need tall extension ladder), left side foundation, repaint rain damaged part of the back foundation, garage side door, front porch trim, and both porch floors. We will need at least one more gallon of white paint.

On Saturday, May 24, 2003 a crew consisting of Ed Morrissey, Ron Mayhew, Jeff Weber, Mike and Sue Fitzgerald, Bob Fowler, Mike Tillman, and Larry Thompson arrived at 3329 Edsall to complete the painting project. Mike Tillman painted the window frame of the upper window on the west side. Ed and Jeff painted the floor of the back porch and steps. Bob, Ron and Larry finished painting the foundation, awnings and trim on the east side while Mike and Sue painted the floor of the front porch. We finally finished by 10:30.

Bucket Brigade Results 2001

Saturday, May 5, 2001 turned out to be a beautiful day especially for the resident at 1808 State Street. The crew (Rod Elias, Dale Kelley, Sharon Johnson, Bill Lutes, Ron Mayhew, Ed Morrissey, Bill Moyer, Larry Powers, Dan Saeger, Larry Thompson, Jeff Weber, and Pete Zimmer) assembled at 8:00 to take on the challenge. Congratulations on a great job.


The Alton-Godfrey Bucket Brigade crew at about 9:00 am.

Notice the porch steps.



The Alton-Godfrey Bucket Brigade crew at about 2:30 pm.

Now notice the porch steps after Sharon's paint job.

Lindbergh House

Mike St. Peters presented the request from the Lindbergh House committee asking Rotary to purchase 600 non-engraved bricks at a cost of $1,140.00. There was also an option to purchase a granite block for $500.00. The Committee feels this project meets the giving guidelines. It was approved to donate $500.00 for a granite block and $700 towards the purchase of the non-engraved bricks. The committee also has a positive recommendation to donate $2,000.00 to the Chautauqua. This project had been previously approved as a work project.

Club Leaders
Simpson Tennis Pavilion
Centennial Park
Christmas Tree 2022
The Rotary Club of Alton-Godfrey
Touch the photo to see the invitation to
Join The Alton-Godfrey Rotary Club.
To join the Rotary Club of Alton-Godfrey, IL, you need to submit your email address to the membership chair or to any club member.
Club Email Address
Club Email Address:
[email protected]
Students of the Month
Students of the Month 2024-2025
  • September 2024: Jamison Belcher, Alton High School and Annabelle Smith, Alton High School
  • October 2024: Adelia Sandifer, Alton High School and Rodger Zawodniak, Marquette Catholic
  • November 2024: Cameron Conwell, Alton High School and Rose Brangenberg, Marquette Catholic
  • December 2024: Roland Gonzales, Alton High School and Karson Morrissey, Marquette Catholic
  • January 2025: Lillian Schuler, Alton High School and Herbert (Gray) Sapp IV, Mississippi Valley
  • February 2025: David Reese, Alton High School and Peyton Crane, Marquette Catholic High School
  • March 2025: Michael Anderson, Alton High School and Wren Crawford, Alton High School and Ania Sneed, Marquette Catholic
  • April 2025: ?, Alton High School and ?, Alton High School and ? Alton High School
  • May 2025: The 2024-25 Student of the Year will be announced in May.
Club Events
RI Convention 2025
Lincoln-Douglas Square Construction
Alton-Godfrey Rotary Projects